Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I was on reader and I came across this piece by Gigi

I know spiders are good for the environment and all, but they just scare me.

   I agree with this 110%. I HATE SPIDERS!!! Ever since I was little, I was afraid. Every time I see a spider I get super freaked out, no matter what size. And the worst part is that if I see a spider and try to kill it, I can't. I'm too scared to. I have really bad experiences with spiders. Like I think I might have this spider 6th sense because even if the spider is on the ceiling or something, if there is one near me, I know it's there. I can find a spider in my house or room even if it's hiding. When I see one I scream 'SPIDER!' really loud and my mom knows exactly what to do. haha
   I also have a very bad experiences with spiders. I swear every one knows its my weakness. Once in 7th grade, during math class, there was this spider in the corner and I saw it. I told the person sitting next to me, and he got this devilish grin on his face. I swear he's not afraid of anything. He walked over to the corner where the spider was, picked it up, walked over to where i was sitting, and threw it on me. I swear I never forget how loud I screamed. The whole entire class, including the teacher, turned to look at me like I was crazy. And the person who threw it at me just looked and laughed. Yup. Their nice huh?

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