Thursday, October 13, 2011

Be strong. (Ce)

All I can tell you is there have been reports of survivors and there have been reports of fatalities
   I was reading this news post thing, I swear this just made me feel so much empathy for their children. So this news thing was about these people in a plane crash on the way to Madang, on the south pacific, who got into a huge plane crash. There were 32 people on the plane. The police wouldn't verify how many people got injured and how many people died, but what really got me the most is were the people on board were headed. On the plane were mostly parents on the way to see their childrens graduation. Did you get that their childrens graduation!!! I mean sure it might not mean a lot to other people, but think about it this way. What if you were graduating, having an excellent day, when you get a call telling you the news.
   Honestly, I would get into deep depresion or something because seriously! think about it! they finaly finished school, after so many years of studying and working hard. You gained all this knowlegde that you are ready to take into the new world. You can't wait until you hug your parents and tell them 'thank you so much for always being there and pushing me to do my hardest' You feel like the happiest person in the world. When you recive one little phone call that just ruins your whole day, but not just your day, your next months and maybe even years. Losing a parent or a big person in your life over night just seems unreal. And espiallt and such a big day. I just want those people to know that you must be strong and always know their is a better day soon to come. With time your wounds will heal, and you might forget about the pain, but you will never forget the memories.

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