Thursday, October 20, 2011

again and again (RE)

   So I was reading Mina's blog:

Everyday should be different from from the others
   I agree. Honestly, life can get hella boring if all you do is the same thing day after day after day. I mean sure, life HAS to be boring sometimes, like studying for a test or waiting for someone to show up, but that doesn't mean life should pass you by. Everyday should be a different expiereance. Life should be charrished because, as one of my friends once told me (actualey tells me all the time) that you only live once, why not? I took this piece of information into consideration and she makes a lot of sense. I mean when you think about it, I know a lot of people that tell me "oh I can do it next time" you know what sometimes their isn't a next time. why put off something until tommorow when you can do it today? people these days always say "life sucks!" or "FML" Well I tell them that your life sucks because you make it suck. I mean a lot of people take life for granted. Life should be the one thing that always comes first, living it to the fulest.
   Okay so you might think, What the fuck does a fifteen year old about life and how it works? well, i might not know how all of it works, But I do know that one day could be the best, and the next your life can be taken from you. I have had enough important people in my life taken from me, so I'm prety sure I know what I am kind of talking about. Life is weird, you can say. There are different types of life. There is to be alive. Which means to be breathing and to blink and what not. But to LIVE is a whole different concept. To live is to experiance what life is really about. The meaning of life is to figure out what it means as you go along. Life should be treasured because there is only one thing sure in life, it will come to an end, but wheather if you are fufilled with it it up to you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there friend! I responded from here! :) here it is!
