Tuesday, October 11, 2011

(bc) Live your life :)

If I were to take Steve Jobs advice to ask myself 'if today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I'm about to do today" I would learn a lot about myself. I look back on some of the past days of my life, and I deffinatley would have done better things, but I neither regret doing anything I have done. But of corse other days, I for sure, lived to the fullest. I think of everyone were to look back on their past lives, they would have at least one day in their life that wasn't lived to the fullest, or one day that could possibly have been the best day of their lives. The thing that I think people don't realize about living their lives to the "fullest" is that what exactly "fullest" means. Well, let me explain a little bit. What I believe the phrase "living life to the fullest" means is taking thoses risks you would never even dream of taking. Taking what seems scary to you and conquering it.
For example, some people might describe the phrase "living to the fullest" as doing crazy dangerous things. Such as, bungee jumping or skydiving. I mean sure I would want to have the courage to do those things as well, but I wouldn't want that to be my last day. To me this phrase means, living, taking those risks you thought you would never take, taking your dreams and turning them into a reality. Such as, singing in front of a huge audiance if you got the chance, or finaly speaking up for yourself, or making the one goal in your life become a reality. Living life like it's the last day should consist of one huge thing. NO REGRETS! Once you have done somthing emmbarassing or stupid there is no going back to fix it. you just have to learn to laugh at yourself, but you will never learn unless you take the risk to try at all. Don't you think our world would be super different if Steve Jobs didn't share his idea or invention of apple with the world? imagine our technology? would it be the same? He took a risk that made a huge impact on our world. Now don't you think "living your life to the fullest" is worth doing?
So I don't neccessaily believe that I would do anything different. I personaly wouldn't want to know when the last day of my life was. It would just make me freak out and not enjoy my last day. But if I did believe the way Steve Jobs did, I would probably learn more about myself everyday. I think living your life really depends on the person living it.

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