Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A dream Deferred (free)

What happens to a dream deferred?

   For those of you who don't know what deferred means, it means postponed or delayed. so technically the question that is being asked is, What happens to a dream that is forgotten? well, what I believe is that a dream never really goes away. Sure maybe it's put off until a later time, but it is never forgotten. A dream is sort of already set in stone in your head, even if your change it. You always remember it, and there is always a tiny bit of hope burning in your soul, hoping that someday it will come true.

   So what I'm trying to say is that a dream never goes away. for example when your small and watch Disney channel for the first time didn't you want to be just like the character and be famous, a star or a singer? That's a dream that you had, that you will always remember. And as you get older, sure you gain new dreams, but do you really ever forget the old ones? that slight hope that maybe your old forgotten dreams might still have hope? I think not. I believe that dreams never go away. Even if they are deferred.

   Dreams are the only thing that keep people sane. It's the only thing that makes them aim for their goals. It's the only thing we have and know that if we work hard enough we just might reach our dreams. It's the one thing that gives everyone a slight hope of accomplishing anything. It's the one thing that never goes away. It's the one thing that is sure in life, that dreams will be though of.

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