Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Spirit week!! (free)

   This week at my school is spirtit week! If you don't know what spirit week is, it's when the whole school dresses up as a certain thing on it's certain day. Like at my school the costumes were:
Monday: Pajama day (hehe enjoyed that one)
Tuesday: Seniors- togas
                Juniors- cave men
                Sopmores- cow boys
                Freshman- nijas
Wednesday: Bro day
Thursday: Fake injury day
Friday: Class Color day!! (sophmores (aka me) = orange)
On Friday it all leads up to the huge rally with the whole school. The rally is super fun! There is screaming, chanting, games, and a competition between each grade to see who has the most spirit. The freshman are usaly the quietest. Last year we were pretty quiet. haha. Usaly the seniors win, but its their last year in high school so it's cool. We LET them win. haha. not really.
   We celebrate this week and have a big rally to get ready for our big homecoming game on friday night. Football. It's the one sport everyone at our school goes to see, even if they don't get whats going on in the game. All of the football players come together to put a dance together and preform it at the rally. This makes like literally EVERYONE scream haha.This years spirit days, so far, has been super fun. I love dressing up, and i'm super juiced for class color day. I am going to go all out. All orange. every inch (well except for skin and jeans haha) so yeah. Hopefully our grade wins something, like the competition we have. Have my fingers crossed :)

1 comment:

  1. heey :)
    i used a quote from this article.
