Wednesday, October 19, 2011

That's life. (free)

   So this is really random, but hey that's just me, many people have told me I have had a bunch of "obbssesion" This statement is 100% true. Throught my younger years and up until now I have had plenty of obbssesions. Let me list them, I remember my true first obbssesion/ hero was barney, but hey what little kid didn't look up  to barney? yup I loved him. I even went to see him in concert, the only thing I remember from that concert is that I got mad because the bubbles and confetti didn't reach all the way to where I was sitting. Imagine how mad I must have been. Anyways, then I had many obbssesions on the Television shows I watched. One big one I remeber was the Amanda show. I absolutely LOVED that show!! and still do. Anyways I moved passed the "shows" phase and went to the color phase. Yeah I had many obssesions with colors. I was obbssesed with pink, blue, purple, yellow, orange. My mom had to buy me new color like every other week, BUt the one color that I was truley OBBSSESED with was green. I remember all of 5th grade I wore green like almost everyday. Yeah thankfully I moved on. Then I went through my disney phase. oh boy, how much I loved disney movies/shows. I remember it was first High school musical. Oh my gosh how I loved Troy Bullten (Zac Eforn) haha what am I saying I still love him! I remember I had everything to do with hsm. Then I went through the Hannah Montana Phase. she was my idol. After I got tired of her I went to the Jonas Brothers. You literaly could NOT see an inch of my wall. Gosh I was like their #1 fan. I even had a shirt to prove it. Then I went through the whole Twilight phase (which I'm still in :) ). All I have to say about that is two words TAYLOR LAUGHTNER. enough said. Then my not so newest phase Justin Bieber. yeah I'm im a bieliber. a lot of people don't like him, but guess what i don;t give a fuck. I love his songs.
   So the point I'm trying to prove here is many people may judge you for your obbssesions and what not, but it what makes you grow. Do you think that If i hadn't gone through these phases caring what others thought of my obbssesions, I would be right in the head? I probably would be watching barney at home with all the curtains closed. haha. but yeah it's all in the process of growing up. That was really random, but what to I care?

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