Thursday, September 29, 2011

What makes us, us (essay)

   Did you ever wonder what makes a human human? or what everybody has in common? Well honestly the answer is quite simple. The arts.When I say the arts it sounds so formal, but you, as person and individual, need the arts and creativity in order to to be a human. Every culture has some type of art or creativity tied into it. You might think not everyone is artistic, or not EVERYONE has something artistic to do with them. Well, thats not true. We use it everyday. Being artistic doesn't mean just drawings or paintings. It means much more than that. It means dance, singing, music, acting, cultural traditions. It means being able to be free and express yourself as a person. We as people use the arts everyday, and we don't even realize it. It's a big part of our every day lives.
   Music. If its not singing along to it in the car, or karaoking at a friends house, then  it's listening to it on the way to work , or just humming along to it in an elevator. Music is in everyone's everyday  life. It's what lets a person express their feelings, without others judging them. Each person has their own type of music in them. If it's not the regular pop music, then it might be classical or music that ties in to your culture. Countries and cultures all over the world use music in their everyday lives. Each person has a voice inside them that is just waiting to burst out in sing. Without music in our world, us humans won't have much to listen to. Everybody's lives would be changed. The things that make you smile or wake you up in the morning would be gone. Music is what makes life more elaborate and not boring, music is what makes the small kids watching famous singers gain dreams that one day could become a reality. Music is what makes a  culture more vivid and unique. It's one of the few things people with different backgrounds or different point of views in life, can sit down together to listen to. It's the one thing that everyone loves to listen to.
   The visual arts. It makes our walls come alive. It takes whats in a persons mind, and put it on paper or a painting. It makes ones soul be seen from people who you would have thought to never talk to. It's another thing that makes a person a person. I agree not everyone can draw, trust me i'm one of those people who can't, but everyone can deffinatley do art. Making collages, absracts, or murals are considered just as beautiful, if not more beautiful. There has been so many famous and important paintings throught our world. In every country thers a famous painter. Paintings in our worlds histories have changed our lives drasticly. It gave everyone the idea that it's okay to be creative or different. Not everyone has to go by the same rules. Even the cavemen knew how to paint on the walls, and I don't blame them. It's what makes a human, a human. It allows us to express our selfs in a different way, instead of just speaking. It allows our minds to be spoken without a word being said. It allows us people to make a statement. It allows us to be ourselfs.
   Dance. The language everyone knows how to speak, worldwide. It's the one thing that you don't have to understand by studying or researching. Even if you think you don't know how to dance, you do. Every crazy dance move, even if it is bad, counts as one. It's in you, it's in him, it's in her, it's in all of us. There are so many different types of dance. Theres ballet, hip hop, salsa, marenge, african, zumba and much more that would take too long to name. Dance is the one of the few things that you can express everything you feel all at once, in one motion. It's one of the few where you can take all those feeling you have inside and push them all out with movements coming from your body. For example, there are many types of feelings through dance like a more toned down dance for being sad or giving grief, and a more upbeat and fast dance for when being happy and excited . I, as a human, believe that if one can't express themselfs, they can't live a happy, full, and normal life. It's sort of an unwritten law. Humans have to express themselfs in one way or the other.
   The arts let people express themselfs. If a human can't express themselfs through one of these few arts, or other types of  arts that there are, they are simply not human. A person needs to have creativity, a person needs to have something in his or her life, that takes them away from the real world, even if only for a little while, and takes them to an alternate universe that revovles around themselves. People need something that makes them feel right inside, that make them feel accomplished. People need something to rely on to make them smile. People need something to look foward to every day when they get home. People rely on the arts to make the world go around and let their emotions fly. It's what makes us people, human.

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