Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cleaning up after the mess (CE)

    US President Barack Obama has confirmed that all 39,000 US troops still stationed in Iraq will be withdrawn by the end of the year, bringing to an end an almost nine-year presence in the country

  So this is from a news article I was reading. All i have to say is finally!! In my opinion that war was just plain stupid, and uncalled for. For starters we didn't have to go and invade their country trying to "search for something" that we didn't even had proof of. I'm just glad that the former president that did that is no longer running. It took president Obama about 3 years to clean up the former president messes. Sure many people may have different opinions towards our president, but I believe that out country is actually being thought of with our president.

   Anyways I'm just glad our war is going to end, but what I do worry about is that, will the people of Iraq be mad? will they ever forgive us? I mean after all we did almost destroy their country for no apparent reason. Hopefully this won;t come back to bite us, but i do believe that President Obama has a lot of courage and a great heart for calling off the war, he is slowly, but surely cleaning up after our old president messes.

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