Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What has this world come to?? (CE)

What has this world come to?!?

Kidnappers in the restive southern Philippines have freed an American woman after more than two months in captivity
  So this article was saying that they kept a woman and her son, and nephew for around 2 months in captivity, then they approached to an island and let the woman off, but kept the kid. Okay seriously I don't get how people have such crazy minds. Maybe it's just me, but don't they care about the consequences? Don't they care that this poor woman and her children might have a loving family who is going to miss them? Don't they care that somewhere the police is going to find them and take them to jail? These people honestly have to have some serious problems if they think kidnapping a woman and her kids are okay.
   And another thing they let the woman go, and keep the kids? what are they trying to accomplish? Do they think that by keeping those kids they won't get in trouble? Those people are wrong. What I wonder is waht goes on through their mind when they do these crazy things. Do they think their mom will be proud? NO. Their Family are probably suffering, that their poor kid, is a kiddnapper. Another thing I don't understand is what do these people want with these people they kidnapped? Do they want them to take the fall for them? By kiddnapping others or doing any harm, just hurts yourself. I mean sure it might hurt the people that are kidnapped emotionaly, but in the long run it's the kidnapper that suffers the most. But seriously what has our world come to that so many people get kidnapped these days? I mean not even just kids, but adults too? Our world have some issues that need to be solved! ASAP!

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