Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A dream Deferred (free)

What happens to a dream deferred?

   For those of you who don't know what deferred means, it means postponed or delayed. so technically the question that is being asked is, What happens to a dream that is forgotten? well, what I believe is that a dream never really goes away. Sure maybe it's put off until a later time, but it is never forgotten. A dream is sort of already set in stone in your head, even if your change it. You always remember it, and there is always a tiny bit of hope burning in your soul, hoping that someday it will come true.

   So what I'm trying to say is that a dream never goes away. for example when your small and watch Disney channel for the first time didn't you want to be just like the character and be famous, a star or a singer? That's a dream that you had, that you will always remember. And as you get older, sure you gain new dreams, but do you really ever forget the old ones? that slight hope that maybe your old forgotten dreams might still have hope? I think not. I believe that dreams never go away. Even if they are deferred.

   Dreams are the only thing that keep people sane. It's the only thing that makes them aim for their goals. It's the only thing we have and know that if we work hard enough we just might reach our dreams. It's the one thing that gives everyone a slight hope of accomplishing anything. It's the one thing that never goes away. It's the one thing that is sure in life, that dreams will be though of.

Cleaning up after the mess (CE)

    US President Barack Obama has confirmed that all 39,000 US troops still stationed in Iraq will be withdrawn by the end of the year, bringing to an end an almost nine-year presence in the country

  So this is from a news article I was reading. All i have to say is finally!! In my opinion that war was just plain stupid, and uncalled for. For starters we didn't have to go and invade their country trying to "search for something" that we didn't even had proof of. I'm just glad that the former president that did that is no longer running. It took president Obama about 3 years to clean up the former president messes. Sure many people may have different opinions towards our president, but I believe that out country is actually being thought of with our president.

   Anyways I'm just glad our war is going to end, but what I do worry about is that, will the people of Iraq be mad? will they ever forgive us? I mean after all we did almost destroy their country for no apparent reason. Hopefully this won;t come back to bite us, but i do believe that President Obama has a lot of courage and a great heart for calling off the war, he is slowly, but surely cleaning up after our old president messes.

Time just needs to STOP (RE)

So I was reading Julie's post:

    To me, time goes by WAY too fast. No matter what's going on, time would just keep ticking and it won't stop for anything.

   This is so accurate! Honestly, this is how I think time works. When your having a great time and having those moments that would last forever, that's when time flies. But when your doing something boring, or something you dislike, it's like time completely stops. Time can sometimes make me angry because there isn't enough of it. Like for my birthday. I had my quincenera on my birthday. we had been planning it what seemed like forever and from one day to the next it was gone. Like the week leading up to it went by so slow and when it was finally there it's like time went into fast forward mode.

   Also another think that is going by quiet quickly is high school. Like take last year for example. I swear now that I think about it my freshman year went by hella fast. I don't know. I just have a feeling that's how the rest of high school is going to go, really fast. It's just i don't think I'm quiet ready to leave my family, friends, and past life behind. Like when I leave to college how is it all going to be here? Like I'm the youngest and I have to leave my mom alone. I'm not sure i am ready to leave. So hopefully time will just STOP and let me breath a little.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

cured???? (CE)

"I am free of illness,"

  Hugo Chavez stated in this news article I read. Okay I'm going to be honest I have no idea in hell who this man is, but what I read is that he had cancer and went through chemotherapy, and had an operaation to take out all of the harmfeul cancer cells out. okay so my question is, IS THAT POSSIBLE???? he stated that the doctors who had given the opperation had taken all the cancer cells out. Like there was no trace at all, almost like he didn't have cancer in the first place. Cancer. It's just a confusing subject. Like these days anything can give you cancer. I mean why does it have to exsist? Anyways, I have been hearing that there are a bunch of studies going on about finding a cure for cancer. I am hoping that one day they finaly find it because honestly, I'm very scared of cancer.
   In my families past, on my grandfathers side, we are like the cancer and diesease family. My great grandpa and grandpa died of cancer. They both went through chemotherapy, but was some of the unlucky people. hopefully one day cancer will find a cure. and I hope that chavez, in fact, truely is cured from cancer. I hope for all the patients who have cancer to know that you are in my prayers. :)

again and again (RE)

   So I was reading Mina's blog:

Everyday should be different from from the others
   I agree. Honestly, life can get hella boring if all you do is the same thing day after day after day. I mean sure, life HAS to be boring sometimes, like studying for a test or waiting for someone to show up, but that doesn't mean life should pass you by. Everyday should be a different expiereance. Life should be charrished because, as one of my friends once told me (actualey tells me all the time) that you only live once, why not? I took this piece of information into consideration and she makes a lot of sense. I mean when you think about it, I know a lot of people that tell me "oh I can do it next time" you know what sometimes their isn't a next time. why put off something until tommorow when you can do it today? people these days always say "life sucks!" or "FML" Well I tell them that your life sucks because you make it suck. I mean a lot of people take life for granted. Life should be the one thing that always comes first, living it to the fulest.
   Okay so you might think, What the fuck does a fifteen year old about life and how it works? well, i might not know how all of it works, But I do know that one day could be the best, and the next your life can be taken from you. I have had enough important people in my life taken from me, so I'm prety sure I know what I am kind of talking about. Life is weird, you can say. There are different types of life. There is to be alive. Which means to be breathing and to blink and what not. But to LIVE is a whole different concept. To live is to experiance what life is really about. The meaning of life is to figure out what it means as you go along. Life should be treasured because there is only one thing sure in life, it will come to an end, but wheather if you are fufilled with it it up to you.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

That's life. (free)

   So this is really random, but hey that's just me, many people have told me I have had a bunch of "obbssesion" This statement is 100% true. Throught my younger years and up until now I have had plenty of obbssesions. Let me list them, I remember my true first obbssesion/ hero was barney, but hey what little kid didn't look up  to barney? yup I loved him. I even went to see him in concert, the only thing I remember from that concert is that I got mad because the bubbles and confetti didn't reach all the way to where I was sitting. Imagine how mad I must have been. Anyways, then I had many obbssesions on the Television shows I watched. One big one I remeber was the Amanda show. I absolutely LOVED that show!! and still do. Anyways I moved passed the "shows" phase and went to the color phase. Yeah I had many obssesions with colors. I was obbssesed with pink, blue, purple, yellow, orange. My mom had to buy me new color like every other week, BUt the one color that I was truley OBBSSESED with was green. I remember all of 5th grade I wore green like almost everyday. Yeah thankfully I moved on. Then I went through my disney phase. oh boy, how much I loved disney movies/shows. I remember it was first High school musical. Oh my gosh how I loved Troy Bullten (Zac Eforn) haha what am I saying I still love him! I remember I had everything to do with hsm. Then I went through the Hannah Montana Phase. she was my idol. After I got tired of her I went to the Jonas Brothers. You literaly could NOT see an inch of my wall. Gosh I was like their #1 fan. I even had a shirt to prove it. Then I went through the whole Twilight phase (which I'm still in :) ). All I have to say about that is two words TAYLOR LAUGHTNER. enough said. Then my not so newest phase Justin Bieber. yeah I'm im a bieliber. a lot of people don't like him, but guess what i don;t give a fuck. I love his songs.
   So the point I'm trying to prove here is many people may judge you for your obbssesions and what not, but it what makes you grow. Do you think that If i hadn't gone through these phases caring what others thought of my obbssesions, I would be right in the head? I probably would be watching barney at home with all the curtains closed. haha. but yeah it's all in the process of growing up. That was really random, but what to I care?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Be strong. (Ce)

All I can tell you is there have been reports of survivors and there have been reports of fatalities
   I was reading this news post thing, I swear this just made me feel so much empathy for their children. So this news thing was about these people in a plane crash on the way to Madang, on the south pacific, who got into a huge plane crash. There were 32 people on the plane. The police wouldn't verify how many people got injured and how many people died, but what really got me the most is were the people on board were headed. On the plane were mostly parents on the way to see their childrens graduation. Did you get that their childrens graduation!!! I mean sure it might not mean a lot to other people, but think about it this way. What if you were graduating, having an excellent day, when you get a call telling you the news.
   Honestly, I would get into deep depresion or something because seriously! think about it! they finaly finished school, after so many years of studying and working hard. You gained all this knowlegde that you are ready to take into the new world. You can't wait until you hug your parents and tell them 'thank you so much for always being there and pushing me to do my hardest' You feel like the happiest person in the world. When you recive one little phone call that just ruins your whole day, but not just your day, your next months and maybe even years. Losing a parent or a big person in your life over night just seems unreal. And espiallt and such a big day. I just want those people to know that you must be strong and always know their is a better day soon to come. With time your wounds will heal, and you might forget about the pain, but you will never forget the memories.

Does that seem right to you? (RE)

So I got this quote off of Krist'y blog

I hate how people judge other people base off of their sexuality.
   I have to say, this is 100% true. Honestly, I know a lot of people who are really rude towards people who like the same sex. Okay this is what I think. People shouldn't give a fuck if your gay straight or bi. Does it honestly matter? Just because a person has a different taste than you, does it make a differance? I think not. Honestly, if a person is gay, does it make them have some type of personality that just repels straight people? If you think about it, people who like the same sex might think of straight people as "weird" I swear people these days judge a person right off the bat, without getting to know them.
   So this actualy happened to me, and usaly I'm not outspoken, but  just had to say something. It might not have been my place to say anything, but i thought something had to be said. I was in San Francisco with some of my family members, and we were waiting in this huge line for the trolly to come. In front of us were to men who were holding hands, which i assume makes them a couple. Honestly, it doesn't bother me if you like your own sex, or if your undecided. I believe that if you like your own sex that's your own buissness and who gives a fuck. So the trolly got there and we were entering it, when a lady pushes her way through, and passes the couple, and cutting everyone else in line as well. she said "excuse me, but im not going to be behind some unnatural freaks like you two" I'm sorry, but I sort of got really mad. I mean come on? seriously? If a person wants to think that way, I'm not going to tell them they can't, but keep it to yourself!! so i felt outragged. I mean i know a couple of people who like the same sex, and I love them to death. Just because a person has a diferent taste than you, doesn't make them unnatural or freaks! so I spoke up "excuse me but you have no right saying that. it's up to them what they want to do, and you cannot condridict them. Their not "unnaturals or Freaks" their human beings Just wait in the back like the rest of us have to because I don't want you causing a big comotion over nothing" I know it might have been a little rude, but hey she did back off. i felt like i had to deffend them, not because they were gay, but because the lady was so quick to judge them. It might not have been a good come back, but i felt that i did good. And no matter what other people think, i will never care what type of person your into.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Spirit week!! (free)

   This week at my school is spirtit week! If you don't know what spirit week is, it's when the whole school dresses up as a certain thing on it's certain day. Like at my school the costumes were:
Monday: Pajama day (hehe enjoyed that one)
Tuesday: Seniors- togas
                Juniors- cave men
                Sopmores- cow boys
                Freshman- nijas
Wednesday: Bro day
Thursday: Fake injury day
Friday: Class Color day!! (sophmores (aka me) = orange)
On Friday it all leads up to the huge rally with the whole school. The rally is super fun! There is screaming, chanting, games, and a competition between each grade to see who has the most spirit. The freshman are usaly the quietest. Last year we were pretty quiet. haha. Usaly the seniors win, but its their last year in high school so it's cool. We LET them win. haha. not really.
   We celebrate this week and have a big rally to get ready for our big homecoming game on friday night. Football. It's the one sport everyone at our school goes to see, even if they don't get whats going on in the game. All of the football players come together to put a dance together and preform it at the rally. This makes like literally EVERYONE scream haha.This years spirit days, so far, has been super fun. I love dressing up, and i'm super juiced for class color day. I am going to go all out. All orange. every inch (well except for skin and jeans haha) so yeah. Hopefully our grade wins something, like the competition we have. Have my fingers crossed :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

(bc) Live your life :)

If I were to take Steve Jobs advice to ask myself 'if today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I'm about to do today" I would learn a lot about myself. I look back on some of the past days of my life, and I deffinatley would have done better things, but I neither regret doing anything I have done. But of corse other days, I for sure, lived to the fullest. I think of everyone were to look back on their past lives, they would have at least one day in their life that wasn't lived to the fullest, or one day that could possibly have been the best day of their lives. The thing that I think people don't realize about living their lives to the "fullest" is that what exactly "fullest" means. Well, let me explain a little bit. What I believe the phrase "living life to the fullest" means is taking thoses risks you would never even dream of taking. Taking what seems scary to you and conquering it.
For example, some people might describe the phrase "living to the fullest" as doing crazy dangerous things. Such as, bungee jumping or skydiving. I mean sure I would want to have the courage to do those things as well, but I wouldn't want that to be my last day. To me this phrase means, living, taking those risks you thought you would never take, taking your dreams and turning them into a reality. Such as, singing in front of a huge audiance if you got the chance, or finaly speaking up for yourself, or making the one goal in your life become a reality. Living life like it's the last day should consist of one huge thing. NO REGRETS! Once you have done somthing emmbarassing or stupid there is no going back to fix it. you just have to learn to laugh at yourself, but you will never learn unless you take the risk to try at all. Don't you think our world would be super different if Steve Jobs didn't share his idea or invention of apple with the world? imagine our technology? would it be the same? He took a risk that made a huge impact on our world. Now don't you think "living your life to the fullest" is worth doing?
So I don't neccessaily believe that I would do anything different. I personaly wouldn't want to know when the last day of my life was. It would just make me freak out and not enjoy my last day. But if I did believe the way Steve Jobs did, I would probably learn more about myself everyday. I think living your life really depends on the person living it.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What has this world come to?? (CE)

What has this world come to?!?

Kidnappers in the restive southern Philippines have freed an American woman after more than two months in captivity
  So this article was saying that they kept a woman and her son, and nephew for around 2 months in captivity, then they approached to an island and let the woman off, but kept the kid. Okay seriously I don't get how people have such crazy minds. Maybe it's just me, but don't they care about the consequences? Don't they care that this poor woman and her children might have a loving family who is going to miss them? Don't they care that somewhere the police is going to find them and take them to jail? These people honestly have to have some serious problems if they think kidnapping a woman and her kids are okay.
   And another thing they let the woman go, and keep the kids? what are they trying to accomplish? Do they think that by keeping those kids they won't get in trouble? Those people are wrong. What I wonder is waht goes on through their mind when they do these crazy things. Do they think their mom will be proud? NO. Their Family are probably suffering, that their poor kid, is a kiddnapper. Another thing I don't understand is what do these people want with these people they kidnapped? Do they want them to take the fall for them? By kiddnapping others or doing any harm, just hurts yourself. I mean sure it might hurt the people that are kidnapped emotionaly, but in the long run it's the kidnapper that suffers the most. But seriously what has our world come to that so many people get kidnapped these days? I mean not even just kids, but adults too? Our world have some issues that need to be solved! ASAP!

Halloween!!! (free)

   I am super excited halloween is coming up soon!!! I love halloween! It's one of my favorite holidays. Its the one day you can dress up as ANYTHING  you think of, and people won't judge you. Sound fun huh? Every Halloween my mom, family, a couple of friends, and I have this huge party. It's the best. We go trick 'or Treating evrry year. A lot of people say that your too old to go trick or treating. Trust me one is NEVER to old to get free candy. It's not even sane to think that way. All the past halloweens I have had have all been funny. I ALWAYS  get scared by somthing or someone. One year, when I lived at my old house, three of my friends and I went to this house that always goes BIG on halloween to get candy. In order to get to the door of the house we have to go through this weird inflatable thing. so we walked in. on the way out this dude in this HELLA scary costume jump out of no where and scared the crap outta me!! so we went along and got our candy. once we walked back through the thing, we saw the thing again, but this time it didn't scare us. So we just stared at it. Next thing we know, It yells and starts chasing us down the block. So you can imagine how fast we ran! we ran for like two blocks when finally the dude got tired and gave up. Yes. That Haloween was scary as hell.
   I remember on a different Halloween, at my newish house, my friends and I were trick or treating, and we came across this HELLA creepy house with people dressed up as Jason, and Freddie cougar from the horror films. the scary part was that they looked sooooo realistic. It was frightening. So Mina, Stacy, Brenda, Sarah, and I were getting candy from that house. Mina and I being the scardey cats we are did not go up to get candy. so we were starring at one of the scarry people, jason. And we were just starring him down when he started walking toward us. Next thing you know mina and I are screaming bloddy murder, and run all the way back to my house. I swear I love halloween. I can't wait until this year! I bet I'm going to get scraed again, but thats the fun part of halloween.


I was on reader and I came across this piece by Gigi

I know spiders are good for the environment and all, but they just scare me.

   I agree with this 110%. I HATE SPIDERS!!! Ever since I was little, I was afraid. Every time I see a spider I get super freaked out, no matter what size. And the worst part is that if I see a spider and try to kill it, I can't. I'm too scared to. I have really bad experiences with spiders. Like I think I might have this spider 6th sense because even if the spider is on the ceiling or something, if there is one near me, I know it's there. I can find a spider in my house or room even if it's hiding. When I see one I scream 'SPIDER!' really loud and my mom knows exactly what to do. haha
   I also have a very bad experiences with spiders. I swear every one knows its my weakness. Once in 7th grade, during math class, there was this spider in the corner and I saw it. I told the person sitting next to me, and he got this devilish grin on his face. I swear he's not afraid of anything. He walked over to the corner where the spider was, picked it up, walked over to where i was sitting, and threw it on me. I swear I never forget how loud I screamed. The whole entire class, including the teacher, turned to look at me like I was crazy. And the person who threw it at me just looked and laughed. Yup. Their nice huh?