Thursday, September 15, 2011

Paper or Plastic? (RE)

So I was reading Julie's response to my current event post and this quote caught my eye
 People take the world for granted, they take everything from our world and they never give back.
   As you can probably tell, I'm very concerned about how we are treating our world. Yes i have written about this, but I'm going to cover something else about this topic. When people say they dont take the world for granted, they dont stop to think about everything they do. For instance, bringing lunch to school because you think you are helping the enviornment by not buying lunch that has lots of plastics on it. Did you know bringing lunch and buying can waste the same amount of plastics? yes it can, i wouldnt lie to you. If you bring a lunch with apples, sandwich, grapes and water you could be wasting a lot of plastic. If its not on the plastic bags for the food it could be on the plastic water bottle you are using. Instead of using so much plastic, try making a lunch that makes you take everything you store your food in, back home to wash and reuse. Many people don't like doing that and think it's just one plastic bag, but honestly if you do that EVERYDAY, it adds up.
   So when it says we never give back, it means we take all the earths reasources and dont give anything back to it. I know that sounds stupid and your probably saying "How on earth are we suppossed to give back to an inanimate object?" Well, think about it. our earth consists of plant, water, trees, animals, natural reasources, and us humans who tend to ruin the earth. So yes it is hard to stop using plastic, but im not asking to to stop completely. Why not cut bit by bit. Start by getting a reusable water bottle. every little thing helps. another thing you can do to give back is plant plants around your neighborhood or even in your backyard. It makes the scenery look better and our earth happier. so think about the next time you litter or waste energy or use a plastic water bottle, because if everyone one does one little thing it can make a huge differance.

1 comment:

  1. I greatly appreciate the message you are trying to spread with your blog posts. And I have tons of books I want to recommend to you that will hopefully make you better-informed about the interlocking environmental crises we face and what we're really going to need to do about them. There are lots of steps we can take, as you point out, both small and large...thanks for writing these posts!
