Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My six strings (Free)

   So today was a pretty chill day. I happen to really love wednesdays because like I said in one of my previous posts, I'm in love with my guitar. I have guitar classes on wednesdays so I always look foward to that. Today in my lesson we started writting music. It was probably one of my favorite classes. So yeah im officaly a song writter (sort of) haha maybe Justin Bieber will contact me. I'm just kidding. I'm not a proffesional yet. I'm getting closer everyday though. I don't know why, but ever since I was little I have always been good with music. It's the one thing I'm good at, like people tell me, oh I'm the best soccer player or I'm the best runner in my class or I have the highest G.P.A in school, I'm just like oh thats nice, I rocked out at my recital this weekend. when I say that they rather say oh, whats a recital or YOU PLAY AN INSTRUMENT!!!! yeah I talk to some weird people.
   Anyways I didn't just go to my lesson. When I was done my mom took me to this place that is like 3 minutes away from my class. It's called Lake Merritt and you can walk or run or whatever you want around it. we went for a run/walk. It was really fun! That was my first time because my mom is usualy to lazy to take me. haha. So I was running ahead of my mom and I sorta got lost in this forrest like part. It was pretty cool though because there was a duck pund and I sat there until my mom came to find me. I knew she would catch up sometime. So yeah when we got to the car we drove home. I had diner finished homework and went to start writting the lyrics to my music. Then I decided to do this post because, well, because I can!!!

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