Thursday, September 8, 2011

Crazy Titles!! (free)

   So I'm here sitting at my desk, thinking about the assignments I have to do that are due tommorow, and listening to pandora on my iPod. Then one of my all time favorite songs comes on (no it's not by Justin Bieber) Drops of Jupiter by Train, and I start thinking why is it called Drops of Jupiter? I mean the song has NOTHING to do with Jupiter. It tells the story of a girl leaving a guy because she thinks she can do better, but not once did I hear them talking about Jupiter! I mean sure they said it ONCE but it didnt even make sense. I mean it said "Drops of Jupiter in her hair" what is that suppossed to mean? Sometimes artist confuse me.
   One song that confuses me a lot is Down by Jay Sean. Yeah I know it's an old song, but it came up in my pandora and I thought about ranting about it. Okay moving on, so the song practicaly says down throught the whole song. Really. That's it. I'm not kidding. It says "baby are you down down down down down" and that's it. then there's a rap, and more of the word down. I mean I like this song, but usaly a song has like a meaning behind the words. you know what I mean? I just can't find the reason, unless "are you down?" means something I don't know.
   Anyways Don't get me wrong their is nothing wrong making up weird titles, and lyrics its what makes a song a song and the artist unique. Doesn't mean i don't like the song, I was just curious and thought why not write about and maybe get others oppinions. Is their any song that just boggles your mind?

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