Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Thing (BC)

   Her heart was beating fast. ba boom ba boom. All her past fears have faded. Her sweat came pouring down. She was drenched. She feared her life was about to end. She thought maybe god would be nice and let her live, but she knew the answer already. There was no way. How could this of happen to the one person in her family that was always so positive? How could this thing be so cruel? She took a deep breath making her heart beat 100 miles per hour. the butterflies in her stomach erupted. Ready set go.
   It all started out on a family vacation camping in the woods. My mom, dad and brother, I were all having family fun swimming in the lake, playing tag, and starring at clouds. The summer breeze felt nice on my bare skin. the smell of lake and flowers filled my nose with pleasure. I loved our family fun it always left a smile on my face. I thought nothing could ruin this moment. and in reality nothing did. It was the best last day. When people think about dieing they never know how or when it will happen, but I defiantly didn't expect it to be this day out of all.
   Darkness filled the sky and all you could see were the twinkling lights coming from above known as stars. Toasting marshmallows under the fire made the perfect end to the perfect day. The aroma of marshmallows were sweet with a bit burned. I grabbed a graham cracker and squished the marshmallow in between them. The inside soft marshmallow sauce came pouring out of the sides. I ate it. The flavor of sweetness danced in my mouth. Our comfortable silence was disturbed when we heard a horrible sound of some kind of creature.
   My father was the first to leave. He was a brave man who wanted to protect his family forever and always. Which he did do all the way to the very end. my mother, brother and I were waiting patiently for him to return when we heard his murderous scream. We had never heard our father scream before. It was horrible. It sounded like a car tire screeching on a newly waxed floor. A flash of panic filled my mothers face. she turned to us.
"Leave now! take your brother and keep him safe" she said giving us a hug
"I love you" and with that she left
   Every moment, every step, every breath I took was like in slow motion. What was happening? What was that thing? Will I ever see my father again? What about my mother? All these questions filled my mind giving me a headache.
"Wait I can't. hold on" I said to me brother trying to catch my beath
" You heard mom we have to run" my brother replied to me with a determined face. I could tell he was scred though. The tears in his eyes were begging to spill out. He was my younger brother I needed to protect him. I made a promise to my mother that I was going to keep.
   We heard a noise in the bush. Our voices and breathing went dead silent. We could hear a pen drop. A twig broke. The noise was coming our way. The breathing was coming closer. I looked around there had to be something to save us. The darkness was the only thing I saw. Miles and miles of it. I searched right I searched left until I saw a small twinkling light. what was it? I took a closer look. It was a ranger house. They could save us! but if we both ran we could never make it if this thing chased us. It came closer. I could smell its breath. It smelled of rotten milk mixed with rotting meat and blood. It was revolting. I took a look at my brothers terrified face and new what I had to do.
" your going to run until you reach that house and your going to get out of here safe. call auntie to come and get you. and remember daddy, mommy and I love you so much and we always will"
  I whispered to my brothers. tears spilled out of my eyes. They were on their own will now. I could not stop them, but I had to be brave. my brother was going to reject,but I added
" Its my job to keep you safe you have to go alright!" i said firmly
he nodded okay, with tears in his eyes
"I love you sissy"
"I love you brother"
   We gave each other our last hugs. I hugged him as tight as my arms would let me. The last hug of my life and I'm glad I spent it with my favorite guy. My baby brother.
"on go. Ready set...... go"
  My world went into a spin my thoughts were on my brother to keep him safe, to keep a promise. I ran towards the noise. The thing got me and killed me it was a pain I would prefer to have that my brother. I didnt see the face of the thing but when he killed me it heart so much, it felt like I broke every bone in my body at the same time. The last thing I saw was my brother getting to the house safely, with nothing but memories of this tragic night. I loved my brother and i would die again for him. With my last couple of breaths I kept on reapting I love you. Then everything went black and the darkness sucked me in.


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