Monday, September 12, 2011

So you think you can dance (free)

   So this weekend I watched the best movie on earth!!! (well in my opinion) Step Up 3!! I absoulutely LOVED it!!!! I love watching all kinds of these cool dance movies, there just so entertaining. Everytime I see one I get so inspired, that I want to get up to dance right along with them. The main reason why I love these movies so much, is because it makes me forget, for a little while, that I have two left feet. Sad but true, I have two left feet. I wish I didn't. It's horrible because it goes so smoothly in my head, but when I try it out I fail. Epicaly. But hey, I can't be good at everyehing.
   The thing that bothers me though, is that on the screen it makes it look so easy!!! I mean it makes me beilieve that I can dance along, when we all know I can't dance to save my life. Do you ever feel like that? I'm mean, its not just movies, its shows as well. Like shake it up. I watch it sometimes and it makes me feel like i'm the best dancer in the world. pshh I'm not even close to being an okay dancer. Dancers and their awesome dance moves just make me want to go to a class to learn or something. Anyways are any of you really great dancers? or do you suck like I do? Sometimes dance movies just get me mad because I can't dance along. Whats you favorite dance movie? Do you have one that you think you can dance to, but sadly can't? I know I do.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Marialuisa!(: I posted a response to this post on my page. Read it when you get the chance!
