Friday, September 9, 2011

Are you scared? (ce)

So as you all know 9/11 aniversary is on sunday and I was reading up on it and stubbled upon this:
We have taken, and will continue to take all steps necessary to mitigrate any threats that arise.
  I just needed to point out something. Why on earth would they even think that the 10th aniversary of the twin towers burning, would mean it happening again. I'm not sure what you may think, but I think that's just doesn't make sense. I'm pretty sure that after all the commosion, of the incident happening, and trying to find Osama, and then finaly finding him, that any terrorist would even try to pull anything like that again. Ever. I'm pretty sure their not planning to do anything either, and the city and people are just over reacting
   Also, the article stated that some people were a bit nervous. I find this silly beacause, lets say they try to pull something again, trying to prove themself of being the stronger people. The people of New York shouldn't be afraid because their is going to be a bunch of sucurity, I'm assuming, that day. And one thing that has gotten better, since the incedient, is that the sucurity in a lot of things have gotten much safer. I beilive that the people of New York are just a bit parnoid, and will be just fine. What do you think? 

1 comment:

  1. I also think it's better not to be scared...mostly because terrorism is SUPPOSED to make us scared, so if we succumb to that, then we've been successfully terrorized.

    Have you ever been to NYC? Sorry to sound like I'm stereotyping horribly, but it's a tough town and I doubt there are too many there who are too scared on this day.

    Furthermore, some of the same organizations that had something to do with 9/11 later said that they can now attack Americans much more easily by targeting US soldiers in, say, Afghanistan. (I'm sorry but I don't have a good source offhand to substantiate this, but I'm pretty darn sure it's true.)
