Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The End? (CE)

Is anyone else really concerned about the environment because I know I am
La Nina is the name given to the slight cooling of the surface waters of the Pacific Ocean, and it is known to disrupt the weather around the world.
   Basically what this article was explaining was that there's this thing going on in the pacific known as la Nina. La Nina temperature can disrupt the weather around the world. Meaning that the reason why the our world today has really tough hurricane seasons and why we have a lot of droughts is because we need to take better care of our world. It's easy to damage our world, but it's not so easy making it better again.I know all of you have heard this before and are actually helping out the environment, but some hear this and just say yeah yeah then give me an i don't care look. you know what? you have to care. this is our world and we only get one. once we kill this one, there will be no more.
   It's really important to recognize what  we have. Once the world realizes that we need to conserve our resources and energy, we can live our lives with out any environmental worries. I'm not sure if you think of this in a different matter, but I think if we all just change one thing to accommodate our environment we can make a HUGE difference. Our world needs to change, and it's up to us to do it.

1 comment:

  1. hi there!! i used a quote from here! its right here

