Tuesday, September 6, 2011

All About Me (bc)

   Honestly, when I was told to do a paper on myself, I thought this is going to be super easy, but when I started typing it I went blank. yeah isn't that dumb? Me getting stuck on a blog about me? Anyways moving on. I guess ill start from the begining. Hi I'm Marialuisa. No not Maria, or Luisa, or Marliasha (which is how preety much everyone pronounces it) its pronouced exaclty how it sounds. Is that so hard? Anyways enough with my rant. I got my name from the best person on earth, my grandma. I didn't have the chance to meet her beacuse she passed before I was born, but the stories I have heard just make me admire her so much. So i'm proud of carring on her name. Im 15 and was born here, lived here my whole life (so far), but dont plan on staying here forever. I'm latino and proud of it. I have a mom whos absoulutley like the rest of my family, crazy, right to the bone. I have a brother who is ten years older than me, but pretty much acts like a five year old when we argue over things. I had the best dad in the world, but life happens right? no one lives forever, but their memory does. So in all I absolutley love my family to the core.
   Let's see what else? oh yes my personality and hobbies. Well, truth is if I could I would hybernate all winter. I love to sleep. I am the laziest one in my family. I am definatley a night owl beacause I love to stay up late and wake up late. How much I wish school started at ten. When I am awake, I am a very bubbly person. I bielive that if your always negative and mad at the world you will never be happy and live your life because you only get one and when its gone its gone. Sure I get mad at stuff and life sometimes, but no one said it would be easy (see what I did there?) so there is one thing I should mention. Im in love.... with my guitar. yes I play guitar (obviously) I love music. All types of music, but guitar and piano are my favorite. I just feel that when im playing I'm taken by the sweet notes coming out of the instrument. Anyways, I have been playing guitar since I was twelve. Loved it ever since. So talking about music my favorite singer is....can you guess? Yes the very famous and adorable Justin Bieber. I'm sort of a bieber freak. For my quincenera we had a cut out of him, which in my deffense I did not buy, my cousin did. oh how I love my family. Moving on to the topic of my quincenera, yes it was awesome. For those who dont know what a quincenera is, it is a sweet sixteen for a latina, but instead of sixteen its fifteen. Its the one day where you could dress up like a princess and everyone pretty much wants everything to do with you. that's one day I will remember for the rest of my life.
   So lastly my writting goals for this year are....well I have no idea. I guess one would be to make less gramatial errors, but otherwise than that I don't know what to tell you. I guess I would like to inprove my writting by making it less boring and more exciting to keep my readers intrested. So yeah thats pretty all much you need to know about me. I'm just your one of a kind person.


  1. You are so cute. And your writing does kind of reflect your bubbly-ness(?).
    That's good, it means you're being true to yourself, I suppose. Haha.
    Keep it up!

  2. Hey Marialuisa, i wrote a repsonse to this post.
