Thursday, September 22, 2011

Music IS the soul (RE)

  As you know I love music and my guitar. so when i was reading Autumn's blog, I loved these lines

Music is an amazing thing. It allows you to express yourself ways that’s relatable to other people.
   I honestly think music is a language, just like english or spanish or french. Each song has its own unique personality and feeling. When you listen to a song, and i mean REALLY listen to a song, you can feel what the artist is feeling.  One thing that I personaly find interisting about certain songs are that they could sound so happy and just songs you want to get up to dance to, but their lyrics can be super depressing.
  Each artist has a different types of songs. Some sing about their feelings, and their expireances. Some sing about nature and about the earth. And some, well, some just don't make sense. For example the forbiden song in my english class, the oh so famous "Friday" by Rebbeca Black. That song is, well not my type of music, but it is catchy. haha.
   When it comes to translating music, everyone thinks of the song in a different way. One person might say it's about breaking up, the other might say it's about love, when in reality is about puppies or something. Each song is determined different. Okay so now I'm going to answer a question you might have. Why am I so obbssed with music. I FEEL THAT THE MUSIC IS IN ME. I've always been attached to music and plan on being attached to it for the rest of my life. So anyways, how do you see music? Do you speak the language of music?

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