Thursday, September 29, 2011

What makes us, us (essay)

   Did you ever wonder what makes a human human? or what everybody has in common? Well honestly the answer is quite simple. The arts.When I say the arts it sounds so formal, but you, as person and individual, need the arts and creativity in order to to be a human. Every culture has some type of art or creativity tied into it. You might think not everyone is artistic, or not EVERYONE has something artistic to do with them. Well, thats not true. We use it everyday. Being artistic doesn't mean just drawings or paintings. It means much more than that. It means dance, singing, music, acting, cultural traditions. It means being able to be free and express yourself as a person. We as people use the arts everyday, and we don't even realize it. It's a big part of our every day lives.
   Music. If its not singing along to it in the car, or karaoking at a friends house, then  it's listening to it on the way to work , or just humming along to it in an elevator. Music is in everyone's everyday  life. It's what lets a person express their feelings, without others judging them. Each person has their own type of music in them. If it's not the regular pop music, then it might be classical or music that ties in to your culture. Countries and cultures all over the world use music in their everyday lives. Each person has a voice inside them that is just waiting to burst out in sing. Without music in our world, us humans won't have much to listen to. Everybody's lives would be changed. The things that make you smile or wake you up in the morning would be gone. Music is what makes life more elaborate and not boring, music is what makes the small kids watching famous singers gain dreams that one day could become a reality. Music is what makes a  culture more vivid and unique. It's one of the few things people with different backgrounds or different point of views in life, can sit down together to listen to. It's the one thing that everyone loves to listen to.
   The visual arts. It makes our walls come alive. It takes whats in a persons mind, and put it on paper or a painting. It makes ones soul be seen from people who you would have thought to never talk to. It's another thing that makes a person a person. I agree not everyone can draw, trust me i'm one of those people who can't, but everyone can deffinatley do art. Making collages, absracts, or murals are considered just as beautiful, if not more beautiful. There has been so many famous and important paintings throught our world. In every country thers a famous painter. Paintings in our worlds histories have changed our lives drasticly. It gave everyone the idea that it's okay to be creative or different. Not everyone has to go by the same rules. Even the cavemen knew how to paint on the walls, and I don't blame them. It's what makes a human, a human. It allows us to express our selfs in a different way, instead of just speaking. It allows our minds to be spoken without a word being said. It allows us people to make a statement. It allows us to be ourselfs.
   Dance. The language everyone knows how to speak, worldwide. It's the one thing that you don't have to understand by studying or researching. Even if you think you don't know how to dance, you do. Every crazy dance move, even if it is bad, counts as one. It's in you, it's in him, it's in her, it's in all of us. There are so many different types of dance. Theres ballet, hip hop, salsa, marenge, african, zumba and much more that would take too long to name. Dance is the one of the few things that you can express everything you feel all at once, in one motion. It's one of the few where you can take all those feeling you have inside and push them all out with movements coming from your body. For example, there are many types of feelings through dance like a more toned down dance for being sad or giving grief, and a more upbeat and fast dance for when being happy and excited . I, as a human, believe that if one can't express themselfs, they can't live a happy, full, and normal life. It's sort of an unwritten law. Humans have to express themselfs in one way or the other.
   The arts let people express themselfs. If a human can't express themselfs through one of these few arts, or other types of  arts that there are, they are simply not human. A person needs to have creativity, a person needs to have something in his or her life, that takes them away from the real world, even if only for a little while, and takes them to an alternate universe that revovles around themselves. People need something that makes them feel right inside, that make them feel accomplished. People need something to rely on to make them smile. People need something to look foward to every day when they get home. People rely on the arts to make the world go around and let their emotions fly. It's what makes us people, human.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Music IS the soul (RE)

  As you know I love music and my guitar. so when i was reading Autumn's blog, I loved these lines

Music is an amazing thing. It allows you to express yourself ways that’s relatable to other people.
   I honestly think music is a language, just like english or spanish or french. Each song has its own unique personality and feeling. When you listen to a song, and i mean REALLY listen to a song, you can feel what the artist is feeling.  One thing that I personaly find interisting about certain songs are that they could sound so happy and just songs you want to get up to dance to, but their lyrics can be super depressing.
  Each artist has a different types of songs. Some sing about their feelings, and their expireances. Some sing about nature and about the earth. And some, well, some just don't make sense. For example the forbiden song in my english class, the oh so famous "Friday" by Rebbeca Black. That song is, well not my type of music, but it is catchy. haha.
   When it comes to translating music, everyone thinks of the song in a different way. One person might say it's about breaking up, the other might say it's about love, when in reality is about puppies or something. Each song is determined different. Okay so now I'm going to answer a question you might have. Why am I so obbssed with music. I FEEL THAT THE MUSIC IS IN ME. I've always been attached to music and plan on being attached to it for the rest of my life. So anyways, how do you see music? Do you speak the language of music?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My six strings (Free)

   So today was a pretty chill day. I happen to really love wednesdays because like I said in one of my previous posts, I'm in love with my guitar. I have guitar classes on wednesdays so I always look foward to that. Today in my lesson we started writting music. It was probably one of my favorite classes. So yeah im officaly a song writter (sort of) haha maybe Justin Bieber will contact me. I'm just kidding. I'm not a proffesional yet. I'm getting closer everyday though. I don't know why, but ever since I was little I have always been good with music. It's the one thing I'm good at, like people tell me, oh I'm the best soccer player or I'm the best runner in my class or I have the highest G.P.A in school, I'm just like oh thats nice, I rocked out at my recital this weekend. when I say that they rather say oh, whats a recital or YOU PLAY AN INSTRUMENT!!!! yeah I talk to some weird people.
   Anyways I didn't just go to my lesson. When I was done my mom took me to this place that is like 3 minutes away from my class. It's called Lake Merritt and you can walk or run or whatever you want around it. we went for a run/walk. It was really fun! That was my first time because my mom is usualy to lazy to take me. haha. So I was running ahead of my mom and I sorta got lost in this forrest like part. It was pretty cool though because there was a duck pund and I sat there until my mom came to find me. I knew she would catch up sometime. So yeah when we got to the car we drove home. I had diner finished homework and went to start writting the lyrics to my music. Then I decided to do this post because, well, because I can!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Thing (BC)

   Her heart was beating fast. ba boom ba boom. All her past fears have faded. Her sweat came pouring down. She was drenched. She feared her life was about to end. She thought maybe god would be nice and let her live, but she knew the answer already. There was no way. How could this of happen to the one person in her family that was always so positive? How could this thing be so cruel? She took a deep breath making her heart beat 100 miles per hour. the butterflies in her stomach erupted. Ready set go.
   It all started out on a family vacation camping in the woods. My mom, dad and brother, I were all having family fun swimming in the lake, playing tag, and starring at clouds. The summer breeze felt nice on my bare skin. the smell of lake and flowers filled my nose with pleasure. I loved our family fun it always left a smile on my face. I thought nothing could ruin this moment. and in reality nothing did. It was the best last day. When people think about dieing they never know how or when it will happen, but I defiantly didn't expect it to be this day out of all.
   Darkness filled the sky and all you could see were the twinkling lights coming from above known as stars. Toasting marshmallows under the fire made the perfect end to the perfect day. The aroma of marshmallows were sweet with a bit burned. I grabbed a graham cracker and squished the marshmallow in between them. The inside soft marshmallow sauce came pouring out of the sides. I ate it. The flavor of sweetness danced in my mouth. Our comfortable silence was disturbed when we heard a horrible sound of some kind of creature.
   My father was the first to leave. He was a brave man who wanted to protect his family forever and always. Which he did do all the way to the very end. my mother, brother and I were waiting patiently for him to return when we heard his murderous scream. We had never heard our father scream before. It was horrible. It sounded like a car tire screeching on a newly waxed floor. A flash of panic filled my mothers face. she turned to us.
"Leave now! take your brother and keep him safe" she said giving us a hug
"I love you" and with that she left
   Every moment, every step, every breath I took was like in slow motion. What was happening? What was that thing? Will I ever see my father again? What about my mother? All these questions filled my mind giving me a headache.
"Wait I can't. hold on" I said to me brother trying to catch my beath
" You heard mom we have to run" my brother replied to me with a determined face. I could tell he was scred though. The tears in his eyes were begging to spill out. He was my younger brother I needed to protect him. I made a promise to my mother that I was going to keep.
   We heard a noise in the bush. Our voices and breathing went dead silent. We could hear a pen drop. A twig broke. The noise was coming our way. The breathing was coming closer. I looked around there had to be something to save us. The darkness was the only thing I saw. Miles and miles of it. I searched right I searched left until I saw a small twinkling light. what was it? I took a closer look. It was a ranger house. They could save us! but if we both ran we could never make it if this thing chased us. It came closer. I could smell its breath. It smelled of rotten milk mixed with rotting meat and blood. It was revolting. I took a look at my brothers terrified face and new what I had to do.
" your going to run until you reach that house and your going to get out of here safe. call auntie to come and get you. and remember daddy, mommy and I love you so much and we always will"
  I whispered to my brothers. tears spilled out of my eyes. They were on their own will now. I could not stop them, but I had to be brave. my brother was going to reject,but I added
" Its my job to keep you safe you have to go alright!" i said firmly
he nodded okay, with tears in his eyes
"I love you sissy"
"I love you brother"
   We gave each other our last hugs. I hugged him as tight as my arms would let me. The last hug of my life and I'm glad I spent it with my favorite guy. My baby brother.
"on go. Ready set...... go"
  My world went into a spin my thoughts were on my brother to keep him safe, to keep a promise. I ran towards the noise. The thing got me and killed me it was a pain I would prefer to have that my brother. I didnt see the face of the thing but when he killed me it heart so much, it felt like I broke every bone in my body at the same time. The last thing I saw was my brother getting to the house safely, with nothing but memories of this tragic night. I loved my brother and i would die again for him. With my last couple of breaths I kept on reapting I love you. Then everything went black and the darkness sucked me in.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Paper or Plastic? (RE)

So I was reading Julie's response to my current event post and this quote caught my eye
 People take the world for granted, they take everything from our world and they never give back.
   As you can probably tell, I'm very concerned about how we are treating our world. Yes i have written about this, but I'm going to cover something else about this topic. When people say they dont take the world for granted, they dont stop to think about everything they do. For instance, bringing lunch to school because you think you are helping the enviornment by not buying lunch that has lots of plastics on it. Did you know bringing lunch and buying can waste the same amount of plastics? yes it can, i wouldnt lie to you. If you bring a lunch with apples, sandwich, grapes and water you could be wasting a lot of plastic. If its not on the plastic bags for the food it could be on the plastic water bottle you are using. Instead of using so much plastic, try making a lunch that makes you take everything you store your food in, back home to wash and reuse. Many people don't like doing that and think it's just one plastic bag, but honestly if you do that EVERYDAY, it adds up.
   So when it says we never give back, it means we take all the earths reasources and dont give anything back to it. I know that sounds stupid and your probably saying "How on earth are we suppossed to give back to an inanimate object?" Well, think about it. our earth consists of plant, water, trees, animals, natural reasources, and us humans who tend to ruin the earth. So yes it is hard to stop using plastic, but im not asking to to stop completely. Why not cut bit by bit. Start by getting a reusable water bottle. every little thing helps. another thing you can do to give back is plant plants around your neighborhood or even in your backyard. It makes the scenery look better and our earth happier. so think about the next time you litter or waste energy or use a plastic water bottle, because if everyone one does one little thing it can make a huge differance.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The End? (CE)

Is anyone else really concerned about the environment because I know I am
La Nina is the name given to the slight cooling of the surface waters of the Pacific Ocean, and it is known to disrupt the weather around the world.
   Basically what this article was explaining was that there's this thing going on in the pacific known as la Nina. La Nina temperature can disrupt the weather around the world. Meaning that the reason why the our world today has really tough hurricane seasons and why we have a lot of droughts is because we need to take better care of our world. It's easy to damage our world, but it's not so easy making it better again.I know all of you have heard this before and are actually helping out the environment, but some hear this and just say yeah yeah then give me an i don't care look. you know what? you have to care. this is our world and we only get one. once we kill this one, there will be no more.
   It's really important to recognize what  we have. Once the world realizes that we need to conserve our resources and energy, we can live our lives with out any environmental worries. I'm not sure if you think of this in a different matter, but I think if we all just change one thing to accommodate our environment we can make a HUGE difference. Our world needs to change, and it's up to us to do it.

Monday, September 12, 2011

So you think you can dance (free)

   So this weekend I watched the best movie on earth!!! (well in my opinion) Step Up 3!! I absoulutely LOVED it!!!! I love watching all kinds of these cool dance movies, there just so entertaining. Everytime I see one I get so inspired, that I want to get up to dance right along with them. The main reason why I love these movies so much, is because it makes me forget, for a little while, that I have two left feet. Sad but true, I have two left feet. I wish I didn't. It's horrible because it goes so smoothly in my head, but when I try it out I fail. Epicaly. But hey, I can't be good at everyehing.
   The thing that bothers me though, is that on the screen it makes it look so easy!!! I mean it makes me beilieve that I can dance along, when we all know I can't dance to save my life. Do you ever feel like that? I'm mean, its not just movies, its shows as well. Like shake it up. I watch it sometimes and it makes me feel like i'm the best dancer in the world. pshh I'm not even close to being an okay dancer. Dancers and their awesome dance moves just make me want to go to a class to learn or something. Anyways are any of you really great dancers? or do you suck like I do? Sometimes dance movies just get me mad because I can't dance along. Whats you favorite dance movie? Do you have one that you think you can dance to, but sadly can't? I know I do.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Are you scared? (ce)

So as you all know 9/11 aniversary is on sunday and I was reading up on it and stubbled upon this:
We have taken, and will continue to take all steps necessary to mitigrate any threats that arise.
  I just needed to point out something. Why on earth would they even think that the 10th aniversary of the twin towers burning, would mean it happening again. I'm not sure what you may think, but I think that's just doesn't make sense. I'm pretty sure that after all the commosion, of the incident happening, and trying to find Osama, and then finaly finding him, that any terrorist would even try to pull anything like that again. Ever. I'm pretty sure their not planning to do anything either, and the city and people are just over reacting
   Also, the article stated that some people were a bit nervous. I find this silly beacause, lets say they try to pull something again, trying to prove themself of being the stronger people. The people of New York shouldn't be afraid because their is going to be a bunch of sucurity, I'm assuming, that day. And one thing that has gotten better, since the incedient, is that the sucurity in a lot of things have gotten much safer. I beilive that the people of New York are just a bit parnoid, and will be just fine. What do you think? 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Nothing Comes Easy (re)

   I was reading a post on a fellow classmates blog and I came across this qoute they put in their post
“ You must work hard for what you wish to achieve in life. Lazy people will never go though life fruitfully. Hard work will PAY OFF in the future”
  I must say I really like this qoute because its 100% true. I do believe that if you want something to go your way, you have to work hard for it. I remember the one time I really messed up was in 8th grade.There was a test in Algebra the next day and I looked at the page and thought I had the whole thing down. Truth is I didn't, but I was just to lazy to get down and study, so like you might have imagined I failed the test. That was the lowest score I had recieved on a test, and you can't even imagine how mad my mom was. So from that day I learned that if you want to come out with a great score and a better future for yourself, you have to work for it. Nothing comes easy. Trust me I have tried getting through life with my lazy life style, but honestly it gets you no where.
   What I am a bit confused on is in this post she uses the word fruitfully and I'm not quite sure what the meaning of it is. When she wrote this what did she mean to say? Does it mean that if you go through life not carring about important scores, or grades it gets you no where? Or did she mean if you go through life being there and not listening or slacking off it gets you no where? I'm guessing, in this case, it could mean either one.

Crazy Titles!! (free)

   So I'm here sitting at my desk, thinking about the assignments I have to do that are due tommorow, and listening to pandora on my iPod. Then one of my all time favorite songs comes on (no it's not by Justin Bieber) Drops of Jupiter by Train, and I start thinking why is it called Drops of Jupiter? I mean the song has NOTHING to do with Jupiter. It tells the story of a girl leaving a guy because she thinks she can do better, but not once did I hear them talking about Jupiter! I mean sure they said it ONCE but it didnt even make sense. I mean it said "Drops of Jupiter in her hair" what is that suppossed to mean? Sometimes artist confuse me.
   One song that confuses me a lot is Down by Jay Sean. Yeah I know it's an old song, but it came up in my pandora and I thought about ranting about it. Okay moving on, so the song practicaly says down throught the whole song. Really. That's it. I'm not kidding. It says "baby are you down down down down down" and that's it. then there's a rap, and more of the word down. I mean I like this song, but usaly a song has like a meaning behind the words. you know what I mean? I just can't find the reason, unless "are you down?" means something I don't know.
   Anyways Don't get me wrong their is nothing wrong making up weird titles, and lyrics its what makes a song a song and the artist unique. Doesn't mean i don't like the song, I was just curious and thought why not write about and maybe get others oppinions. Is their any song that just boggles your mind?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

All About Me (bc)

   Honestly, when I was told to do a paper on myself, I thought this is going to be super easy, but when I started typing it I went blank. yeah isn't that dumb? Me getting stuck on a blog about me? Anyways moving on. I guess ill start from the begining. Hi I'm Marialuisa. No not Maria, or Luisa, or Marliasha (which is how preety much everyone pronounces it) its pronouced exaclty how it sounds. Is that so hard? Anyways enough with my rant. I got my name from the best person on earth, my grandma. I didn't have the chance to meet her beacuse she passed before I was born, but the stories I have heard just make me admire her so much. So i'm proud of carring on her name. Im 15 and was born here, lived here my whole life (so far), but dont plan on staying here forever. I'm latino and proud of it. I have a mom whos absoulutley like the rest of my family, crazy, right to the bone. I have a brother who is ten years older than me, but pretty much acts like a five year old when we argue over things. I had the best dad in the world, but life happens right? no one lives forever, but their memory does. So in all I absolutley love my family to the core.
   Let's see what else? oh yes my personality and hobbies. Well, truth is if I could I would hybernate all winter. I love to sleep. I am the laziest one in my family. I am definatley a night owl beacause I love to stay up late and wake up late. How much I wish school started at ten. When I am awake, I am a very bubbly person. I bielive that if your always negative and mad at the world you will never be happy and live your life because you only get one and when its gone its gone. Sure I get mad at stuff and life sometimes, but no one said it would be easy (see what I did there?) so there is one thing I should mention. Im in love.... with my guitar. yes I play guitar (obviously) I love music. All types of music, but guitar and piano are my favorite. I just feel that when im playing I'm taken by the sweet notes coming out of the instrument. Anyways, I have been playing guitar since I was twelve. Loved it ever since. So talking about music my favorite singer is....can you guess? Yes the very famous and adorable Justin Bieber. I'm sort of a bieber freak. For my quincenera we had a cut out of him, which in my deffense I did not buy, my cousin did. oh how I love my family. Moving on to the topic of my quincenera, yes it was awesome. For those who dont know what a quincenera is, it is a sweet sixteen for a latina, but instead of sixteen its fifteen. Its the one day where you could dress up like a princess and everyone pretty much wants everything to do with you. that's one day I will remember for the rest of my life.
   So lastly my writting goals for this year are....well I have no idea. I guess one would be to make less gramatial errors, but otherwise than that I don't know what to tell you. I guess I would like to inprove my writting by making it less boring and more exciting to keep my readers intrested. So yeah thats pretty all much you need to know about me. I'm just your one of a kind person.